A little about me;
Hello, my name is Sandra, and I am a freelance photographer. I actually consider myself an open-minded freelance photographer because in my opinion, an open minded person/photographer is not limited to all things traditional. Even though I do tend to take traditional photos, I also enjoy taking a wide variety of photos whether it is a portrait of a child or family, wildlife, architecture, food, a random object, or abstract art. This may not set me apart from most freelance photographers, as they find themselves taking pictures of a variety of subjects as well. However, the one thing that does set all photographers apart from each other is that when looking through the view finder of their camera as an individual, they are capturing a moment of time that they can call their own because no-one else sees it but them until it is produced.
My passion for photography and art pulses through my veins with the utmost appreciation and dually noted respect to the artist/photographer who masters the creativity they have found within. In short, I love the art of photography, and not only taking my own photos, but I love looking at what others see through their lens also. It brings me great pleasure to introduce to you my embedded passion, art/photography. Please feel free to browse my blogs and photos. I welcome your advice as a learning experience and encourage you to critique as you like.
More about me and my family:
I am also a wife to my wonderful husband, John. He has been a blessing in my life, along with the 5 children we have between us. Most of my children our grown, and are establishing their own lives as the young adults they have become. There is nothing like watching your children (yes children, even though I am using a bird analogy, ha!) grow up, spread their wings, and take flight into this vast, ever changing world. I do not have the empty nest syndrome as one might expect, (I now have grand children to remedy any of those symptoms, ha ha!) I have more of a since of accomplishment in seeing my children succeed in their lives with the decisions they make as responsible adults.
One of the most major accomplishments in my life (other than raising my children) has been earning my college degrees. I earned an Associates of Arts degree in 2006, and recently finished earning a Bachelor's of Science degree on December 18th, 2010. I made the Dean's list 3 times during my college career which is pretty good for someone that thought she hated school, was a high school drop-out, although, I did receive my GED way back when, and somehow with a lot of hard work, I made the Dean's list! I owe it to college and life experiences for being the open-minded individual I am today.
I hope that you enjoy reading my blogs, and getting to know me, as much as I will enjoy getting to know all of you. Thank you for spending the time to read "a little about me".
If you would like to view my photography page, you are welcome to add me as a friend on FaceBook @ http://www.facebook.com/sandrakayphotography
If you would like to view my photography page, you are welcome to add me as a friend on FaceBook @ http://www.facebook.com/sandrakayphotography
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